10 AM – 12 PM

Sunday Gathering

What We Believe


God created a good world, and nothing in our universe was originally evil or inherently bad. Humans were uniquely created "in the image of God" and were meant to live in perfect harmony with Him and with one another. They were given the responsibility to steward God's good creation as His image bearers.


Mankind chose to rebel and disobey God's command. This rebellion, known as sin, has tainted all of creation. Today, humanity lives in darkness, cut off from the presence of God, facing the wrath of a holy God, and unable to pay the penalty for wrongdoing.


Because of His great love for the world and His desire to save humanity, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross as a sacrifice on our behalf. He paid the penalty for mankind's sin and purchased a people back for God, so that whoever trusts in Christ will be set free from the curse of sin and death and find new life in Him.


Jesus told His disciples multiple times that He would die for the world, but on the third day, He would come back to life. As He said, He rose from the dead, defeating sin, the powers of darkness, and death itself. He appeared to hundreds and ascended into heaven before their very eyes. His resurrection assures us that everything He said is true, and we too will rise to be with Him forever.


God is in the process of renewing everything. He is gradually restoring His order in the world, sanctifying us, and calling every believer to walk as children of light. The Holy Spirit enables us to live godly lives and to serve as God's ambassadors to a hurting world. God is transforming people, nations, the environment—everything—back to His original design of purity and beauty.


One day in the future, Christ will return and restore everything. There will be no sin, no pain, and no tears. A glorious hope and an unfading inheritance await those who believe. Those who trust in Christ will live forever with God in His restored creation.

What You Believe Shapes Who You Become

Learn How We Seek to Live a Life that is Shaped by Our Beliefs